Photo and Content Permission Form Dear Parent/Guardian, Ardoch is an educational charity that supports schools and their students across Australia. This year, your child is participating in one or more of Ardoch’s programs to support their education. Ardoch sometimes collects and uses photos, video, and other content from our programs, to support our operations, marketing, and fundraising. Ardoch sometimes also shares (discloses) this content with other parties, such as supporters or program partners. The purpose of this form is to seek your permission to: take photos and videos of your child during our programs use photos and videos of your child and other content they create during our programs to support our work. We do not take photos and videos at all our programs. We will only use the photos, videos and content of students for whom we have permission to do so. We do not identify individual students (i.e., use their names) when we use their photos, videos or content. Your child can still participate in the program, even if you do not give permission to them being photographed or videoed. The summary below outlines in more detail how Ardoch collects and uses content from our programs. If you have any queries or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher at the school, or contact Ardoch directly (contact details below). Ardoch’s use of content Ardoch Limited (ABN 48 119 813 188) (“Ardoch”) is a children’s education charity focused on improving educational outcomes for children and young people in disadvantaged communities. Our vision is that every child’s potential is realised through full participation in education. Ardoch produces publications, and runs fundraising campaigns from time to time, for the purposes of: publicising the programs and services of the organisation independently and in conjunction with other agencies; informing stakeholders of changes and events in Ardoch’s areas of work; familiarising the public with the role and purpose of Ardoch. Achieving these purposes involves the production and distribution of promotional material (which may involve reproducing, adapting, publishing, and communicating to the public the content) through such media as: In physical or electronic Ardoch documents, such as annual reports, funder reports, posters and brochures, training resources, program activity booklets. In external publications, such as newspapers, magazines, and blogs, or in television, radio or streaming segments. Ardoch marketing and fundraising. On Ardoch websites and/or social media platforms, such as YouTube, Facebook, and LinkedIn. In physical or electronic correspondence sent by Ardoch to people who may be interested in supporting the organisation. Occasionally, and only with Ardoch’s prior permission, in publications by Ardoch’s partner organisations (such as corporate or philanthropic funder), for use by those organisations for similar purposes. Ardoch will never use any content that depicts, or appears to depict, a demeaning representation of any child or young person. Before Ardoch publishes or shares any photos, videos, or letters/blogs (written by, or addressed to, your child) Ardoch will remove your child’s name (or substitute their real name with a fake name). Further details of the way in which Ardoch collects, uses, and shares (discloses) Content are contained within Ardoch’s Photo and Content Permissions Policy and Procedures, which can be here: Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Content permission granted: *YesNoDeclaration I give permission for the content (including photos and videos in which my child appears) to be collected, used and shared (disclosed) by Ardoch for publications and public relations activities, in accordance with Ardoch's Photo and Content Permission Policy and Procedure. To the extent that I or my child own copyright in any such Content, I also grant to Ardoch the copyright licence described down below. I have read and understood this notice, and consent to the collection, use and sharing of my child's personal information. By signing this permission form, I give Ardoch permission to collect, use and disclose the Content, for the purposes set out above. Student name *FirstLastName of school/early years *Parent/guardian's name *FirstLastParent/guardian's phone *Parent/guardian’s Email *Date *Signature * Clear Signature MessageSubmit Copyright: In order to use content for the purposes set out in this Photo and Content Permission Form and in Ardoch’s Photo and Content Permission Policy and Procedure, Ardoch may require a copyright licence from you, on behalf of your child. By signing this form, to the extent that you or your child own copyright in any such content, you grant to Ardoch a worldwide, royalty-free, sub-licensable and irrevocable licence to all of the intellectual property rights in any such content (including the right to reproduce, publish, adapt, communicate to the public, and cause the content to be seen in public). Contact Ardoch If you have any questions about this permission form, or about Ardoch’s programs more generally, please contact us at: (03) 9537 2414 or via our website, at If you or your child have any child safety related concerns about an Ardoch program, you can contact our Child Safety Officer on (03) 9537 2414 or by email at: [email protected]